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Ukrainian Lutheran Church update

Wisconsin Synod pastor Roger Neumann continues to update people on Facebook about the daily situation in Ukraine. Here is the Day 39 update from Pastor Neumann with some photos of the ULC people in worship today, April 3rd, 2022.

“As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming when no man can work.” --Jn 9:4

In Jesus’ words we see a sense of urgency, “we MUST do the work…” Today is the Day of the Lord and our fellow Christians, in Ukraine, we are doing the work that our Lord called them to do. As seen in the pictures I’m posting. Preaching, teaching, and administering the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

Those words of Jesus are most fitting both for us and for the faithful members of the Ukrainian Lutheran Church. Today, now, they(we) have opportunity to not only feed the physically hungry, but also to feed the spiritually hungry. To search for the hurting, the fearful, those who are scared and uncertain of what their future may be, and tell them that Jesus knows their concerns and that he hears their prayers for help. To assure those who are despairing that they are loved by their Lord, and by you. Jesus had a unique way of showing people that he not only saw their condition, but he saw them as individuals whom he cared for. This is what endeared them to Jesus.

So, to my dear fellow servants in Ukraine, you are showing in your ministry to the people, during this time of war, the care that Jesus has for them. May God continue to bless you, and your faithful service for our Lord. Your labors are not in vain.


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